Feisty Bloggin’ Housewife

February 1, 2018

I Be Back

Filed under: humor,life,Uncategorized — feistyhw @ 2:16 am

I started this blog eons ago, left because my life was too public yet needed to be private. But now I’m back. I have written a book – Wings Over Avalon. I’m currently working the business end of it, which is far worse than writing a 95,000 word book. Yep, that’s what I said. I’ve got a gut full of pop rocks, anxious to start writing the other 4 books which currently reside in my noggin. But alas, book 1 must be taken to the world first. And it’s a fuggin’ ugly process, babies! I won’t keep bitching about it, or maybe I will, but I’m going to use this blog space to express myself as I journey into the publishing world. I took my crystal ball down to the pawn shop years ago (stupid fucker) but I have an inspired feeling about my future as a writer. So I’m just gonna go with that.  Today’s re-entry post will be short, as I have a letter of query to compose for perusal soon. My goal is to maintain my composure as I get rejected and rejected and rejected. Likely outcome falls more in the Yosemite Sam category – as attempting to get published forces me to follow rules, (lots of them) kiss asses (again, lots of them) and cow-tow to authority figures. Man, I am SO screwed.

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