Feisty Bloggin’ Housewife

May 14, 2008

Fixin’ To Pee Laugh

Friends, I’ve been reading waaaay too much news.

Sucked into Myanmar, glued to China, our own race for the big, White House. Wars, wars and MORE wars….I refresh my cnn news home page about every millisecond. But today I discovered, by clicking on a link on their crime news page, this web site:


Filled with IDIOTS, and true, full blown raging MORONS! – And I, with my most current lovely peri-menopausal self diagnosis of adult onset asthma, have been enjoying a mid-morning laugh attack from hell. Being a professional singer for 20 years, my lungs have always been a mainstay for me. So reliable, high quality air bags for sure. I’ve been known to hold a sustained note for 60 counts, no lie. And you oughtta see me blow up balloons! A regular air compressor with blond hair. (Very popular before a party! And often very popular after the party, for other reasons unmentionable here) But suddenly, and much to my dismay, I’ve begun wheezing like a Studebaker suckin’ wind thru a missing piston. Anyway, I’ve been watching this trutv, affiliated with The Smoking Gun, news of the dumb video thing and now need to rifle thru the house and find one of Stella’s Albuterol gizzmo’s and suck down a hit or two! Not only is the wheezing an issue, but I’m frankly – – – working mighty hard to…to… stay dry…’ya know what I mean? DISgusting, indeed. Hey, I have no pride. Obviously. Fixin’ to pee laugh is a double edged sword. It is always a good thing to be laughing that hard, studies show your blood chemistry literally changes for the better. Not so hot tho, soggy drawers. I’m bringin’ sexy back…..with that kind of talk. Ohhh, like it’s never happened to YOU…sittin’ there looking down your high and dry almighty nose at me. Please, who are we kidding here?

I’m so blog dumb – I cannot get the link to transfer, just go to CNN’s home page for news, go to the crime header and click there, scroll down to ‘Your Daily Dumb’ and click there. It’s The Smoking Gun Presents: Worlds Dumbest Criminals – I promise it will cheer you up. Unless you’re one of the featured imbeciles. Good thing I can’t be arrested for being technically incompetent.

When we went to China to get Estelle I did not want to leave. The people were darling to us and they historically have endured harsh conditions and even harsher government rule. I wish my parlor were full of them now, looking at the Daily Dumb with me and having a good laugh. Language barrier not an issue when you’re watching the police and fire dept. grease down a would-be robber who’s managed to get himself stuck in a fast food grill vent and they’re trying to pry his fat ass out of it! Ahh, his little tennies dangling above the grill, tipping and touching here and there – HYSTERICAL! His Mama must be SO proud. An episode of Roseanne once had her jammed into her diner’s competitors grill vent as well and her sister Jackie was trying to grease her down and out. Didn’t this guy ever watch Nick At Night for cryin’ out loud?

Try to have a laugh today. It’s good medicine.

High & Dry, Spoiled safe and sound in the USA,

Feisty Bloggin’ Housewife

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