Feisty Bloggin’ Housewife

May 17, 2008

Milk & Mercy

Filed under: children,family,humor,life,parenting,Uncategorized — feistyhw @ 12:03 am
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So today I was downloading some tunes and making a new spring mix CD for my car, a yearly tradition. I did this today to distract myself from the news, from my own malaise, my continual sense of helplessness about the world. Hell, about my own kids. I can’t control one, I can’t fix the other. Or is it I can’t fix one and I can’t control the other….the solution of course is to be more pro-active and get my hands dirty doing something to help people in need. It just seems I can never quite put my finger to it. The thing I should do. It was this same sense of frustration I felt after both of our adoptions. I got two out of there, but what about the rest? The ones left behind, forgotten. Charitable and aid organizations pick up this ball like pro’s and toss it around, spreading help to the world. God, they are amazing. Those people are amazing. We give them money; a decent chunk. I suppose that helps assuage my painful, guilt ridden soul.

I was making my playlist and looked down to see two songs listed one after the other: “Milk” & “Mercy”. Those were the titles. My mind flew to Burma, China. Yes, thats exactly what they need there – Milk & Mercy. I pictured a toddler, homeless and wandering in rags. Maybe she had parents left, maybe she didn’t. She needs milk. I imagined a mother, weeping and wailing over her dead baby. She needs mercy. And altho I constantly use music as therapy (saves thousands of dollars) today there was no escaping the agonies of the world. No amount of distraction could prevail. I began to run the gauntlet of world problems and questioned if milk & mercy could really help. Milk is even better than water if you’re starving, right? (Don’t make me go into ‘if it’s not spoiled and what about lactose intolerance’ etc. This is my imagination, in my attempt at a solution -and I hand the villagers glass after glass of cold, whole milk and they smile as they drink and maybe they even get little milk mustachios….) And mercy? Well, who couldn’t benefit from a fistfull of that? Like, HEY – Could mercy change evil doers? Jesus would say, “Yes.” Then I cogitated about some really over the top evil bastards – they make the news every friggin’ day – they throw babies from bridges, mutilate animals…is there ANY amount of milk or mercy that could ever help those wicked pricks? And frankly, by the time they’ve done their evil they aint gettin’ ANY of my milk and I’d just-asoon throw the switch as to show them mercy. See, that’s how I know I’m not Jesus….not even close. I guess maybe they needed the milk & mercy long before they went evil. That’s part of what motivates me to keep working with my daughter who has so many post institutional problems. She spent so many years in a developmental wasteland that she’s not normal and I don’t know if she will ever be. My goal is to avoid her becoming a sociopath. The theory being; If I give her enuf Milk & Mercy now….maybe, just maybe…..

Because I don’t want to READ about her later. I don’t want her to BE the news. It falls on me to attempt to thwart the possibility. And when I think about the agony of the world tonight my heart tightens. I want to grab-up all those babies and make them safe again, tho they are not. I want to take those parents back in time and return to them their precious, beautiful children. But I cannot. Powerless does not even begin to cover it – the incompetence I feel. So it seems what I am left with sits right here in my own home. Today she’s lied to me several times, broken rules and and now I hear her father in the other room telling her to “DROP IT, DROP IT!” and I don’t even know what the hell it is, but I do know that she’ll continue to push his buttons until he wants to throw her into the back yard for the night. But we can’t do that. My only option, and I do feel a bit trapped here when I say this, is to get up, go in there, and give her something she needs. To head upstairs, lounge into my fat clothes and crawl under the covers is not acceptable. I have to go now. Milk & Mercy needed in the next room.

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